
The board has elected to hire a book keeping firm to keep track of the dues received, prepare invoices, reminder letters and prepare the association taxes.  Over the last year and a half 2 treasures resigned and I agreed to carry out the duties of the treasure after no one else wanted to.   After being the treasurer for 3 1/2 years I know how much time and energy is involved.  The book keeping firm will take some of the load off the treasurer.  The board folded, stuffed and mailed the invoices this year to again save the association money.  
As of February 15th, 360 residents have paid their dues to help maintain the neighborhood. The amount received has been $16,565.00, out of the amount owed of $24,261.40.  That amount includes monies owed from prior dues, late fees, liens, legal fees and penalties.
The board has voted to place a lien on those residents that are 1 years in arrears and request the attorney to pursue, thru legal action, monies owed for those 2 years in arrears, with any legal fees accrued to be collected from those residents.  The board feels it only fair that everyone pays their fair share since everyone enjoys the amenities of the area and since there have been a number of foreclosures on properties where the owners owed in excess of $300.00.  This process we hope will prevent the association from having to write off these lost dues. . 
The board will try to hold down costs by again relying on volunteers to do a lot of the labor to maintain the entrances.  If you would like to assist please call the phone line and provide your name/phone #.   Those that have already provided that information will be contacted when the need arises. 
From the surveys received so far, 141 residents indicated that the dues are set just right for what is received and 22 say no.  143 expressed that dues should not be raised to better enhance the neighborhood with 18 saying they should.  43 residents recommend that more money should be used from the SID money and lower the dues and 110 say no.  Thank you to those residents that spent the time and are concerned with their neighborhood and expressed their views via the survey.  Respectfully, Jerry Schulte

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